Eden Park Managed Portfolio Service (MPS)
The Managed Portfolio Service has been designed exclusively for clients of financial advisers and allows financial advisers to focus on what’s important, advising you about your financial planning needs.
MPS Overview
With MPS the client relationships always belong to the adviser. The adviser will work with you to decide which investment strategy and portfolio is right for you and monitor the portfolio's ongoing suitability.
The MPS is an investment management service offering portfolios that differ in their investment objectives and risk profiles, covering active, actively passive and sustainable investment styles.
EPIM works with financial advisers to run portfolios on the adviser and their clients’ behalf.
Benefits of our Managed Portfolio Service
A range of managed portfolios
Access to a range of managed portfolios each aligned to a specific investment objective and attitude to risk.
Access to the best asset managers
Expert investment management with access to the best asset managers carefully selected by us and our advisers Hymans Robertson Investment Services, Charles Stanley and LGT Wealth Management.
Increased buying power
Harnessing buying power to bring you the highest quality investment managers at a lower cost.
A range of tax-efficient wrappers
MPS is available in a range of tax-efficient wrappers, including Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), Offshore Bonds, and Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs).
Income options
Clients have the option to take a regular fixed income from the portfolio or to focus on capital growth.
Simple online access
Advisers and clients have online access to the portfolios via our preferred platform.
Consistent risk management
Portfolios are rebalanced monthly or quarterly – to ensure consistent risk management.
Innovative investment solutions
Innovative investment solutions - to reduce costs and utilise the best fund managers.
EPIM Brunel Range
EPIM Brunel Overview
The EPIM Brunel range invests in actively managed funds.
The range consists of six portfolios each aligned to a specific investment objective and attitude to risk.
Portfolios are tactically adjusted to account for key changes in the market and to reflect our investment views. Portfolios hold a range of asset classes including equities, bonds, cash, absolute return and commercial property. OCFs for underlying holdings are highly competitive due to an efficient and cost-effective investment approach utilising institutional best practice. It is not uncommon for HRIS to source fund fee discounts of 25% or above. We use our research and scale to compare fund costs across multiple providers, negotiate lower fees and ultimately source funds offering the best value for money.

- Hymans Robertson LLP - founded over 100 years ago
- £350bn of assets under influence (Hymans Robertson LLP)
- One of UK's leading independent firms of investment, pensions and risk experts (Hymans Robertson LLP)
Cautious – Low Risk
Appropriate for clients looking to make a positive return on their initial outlay, but for whom capital preservation also remains as a key priority.
Such clients should be prepared to accept that their portfolio may struggle to keep pace with inflation, and therefore could lose value in real terms.
As a result, your portfolio will hold a greater proportion in wider asset classes, such as corporate bonds, government bonds and cash, relative to the higher risk asset class of equities.
Moderately Cautious – Low / Medium Risk
Appropriate for clients that are seeking a balance between growth and capital preservation,but accept they might bear moderate capital losses over some periods of time.
The portfolio will be more evenly balanced between equities and a combination of wider asset classes such as corporate bonds, government bonds and cash.
Balanced – Medium Risk
Appropriate for clients that are seeking a balance between growth and capital preservation, but accept they might bear moderate capital losses over some periods of time. You are prepared to accept fluctuations in the value of your portfolio to achieve your investment goals.
The portfolio will typically hold a meaningful proportion in equities, whilst the remainder will be split across a combination of wider asset classes such as corporate bonds, government bonds and cash.
Moderately Adventurous - Medium / High Risk
Appropriate for clients that prioritise growth over capital preservation and therefore accept that they might bear moderate to significant losses.
The portfolio will typically have a higher proportion held in equities, with lower allocations made to wider asset classes such as corporate bonds, government bonds and cash.
Adventurous – High Risk
Appropriate for clients that are prepared to risk significant amounts of capital in pursuit of long-term returns. Significant levels of volatility and more frequent changes in the value of the investments can be expected.
The portfolio will typically have a higher proportion held in equities, with lower allocations made to wider asset classes such as corporate bonds, government bonds and cash.
Equity Focused – Higher Risk
Appropriate for clients that are prepared to risk significant amounts of capital in pursuit of long-term returns. Significant levels of volatility and more frequent changes in the value of the investments can be expected.
The portfolio will be invested almost entirely in equities.
EPIM Cabot Range
EPIM Cabot Overview
The EPIM Cabot range predominantly invests in lower-cost index funds, although active funds may be included where we think it will benefit the portfolio.
The range consists of five portfolios each aligned to a specific investment objective and attitude to risk.
A global, multi-asset, high diversification approach is used and regular monitoring enables us to act quickly in response to evolving market conditions, ensuring the required objective and risk profile is constantly adhered to.

- Managing over £25bn of assets
- Award-winning wealth manager
- Over 30 years' asset allocation experience
Cautious – Low Risk
For clients which place a higher priority on preserving the value of their investments over investment returns. The investment objective is to provide a long-term total return which is superior to the UK CPI inflation rate. The performance of the model portfolio is not intended to track the rise (or fall) of any specific index. The portfolio will hold a greater proportion in lower risk asset classes, such as cash and bonds.
Moderately Cautions – Low / Medium Risk
The client will be looking to maintain the real value of their investments by achieving returns above inflation. The investment objective is to provide a long-term total return which is superior to inflation plus 1% returns. The performance of the model portfolio is not intended to track the rise (or fall) of any specific index. The portfolio will be more evenly balanced between equities, bonds and alternatives.
Balanced – Medium Risk
The client is prepared to have a greater proportion of their investments held in equities with the aim of achieving a higher investment return over the long-term. The investment objective is to provide a long-term total return which is superior to inflation plus 2% returns. The performance of the model portfolio is not intended to track the rise (or fall) of any specific index. The portfolio will typically include half of the assets invested in equities whilst the remainder will be split between cash, bonds and alternatives.
Growth – Medium / High Risk
The client is seeking to generate higher investment returns through an increased exposure to equities to help achieve long-term investment goals. The investment objective is to provide a long-term total return which is superior to inflation plus 3% returns. The performance of the model portfolio is not intended to track the rise (or fall) of any specific index. The portfolio will typically include two thirds of the assets invested in equities whilst the remainder will be split between cash, bonds and alternatives. A larger proportion invested in equities is likely to lead to increased volatility in the overall value of the portfolio.
Global Equity – High Risk
For clients looking to maximise their investment returns by having a portfolio invested largely in equities. The investment objective is to provide a long-term total return which is superior to inflation plus 4% returns. The performance of the model portfolio is not intended to track the rise (or fall) of any specific index. Significant levels of volatility and more frequent changes in the value of the investments can be expected, the client will be willing to accept these risks to achieve investment goal.
EPIM Sustainable Range
EPIM Sustainable Overview
The EPIM Sustainable range is an actively managed portfolio service incorporating environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors in investment decisions.
The ultimate goal of the portfolios is to support both socio-economic development and sustainable business practices, whilst generating strong and consistent investment returns. The portfolios will aim to achieve this by investing in a diversified range of funds, which include themes such as renewable energy, financial inclusion, education, social housing, climate change action, sustainable waste management and renewable material production.
The Sustainable Model Portfolio Service comprises five risk-rated portfolios, which have three targets assigned to each. These three targets are volatility, annualised return and maximum loss, allowing you to understand the risk/reward that we are expecting with each portfolio.
On a regular basis, the asset allocation for the portfolios will change to reflect our the monthly market views. Additional risk analysis and dedicated asset allocation research is also fed into the portfolio's construction process by a team of LGT Wealth Management investment managers. This means the portfolios benefit from the most current investment thinking and our best ideas through dynamic portfolio construction.

- Global investment management firm
- Independently owned
- Managing over £14.5bn of assets
The primary objective of this portfolio is to preserve capital. The portfolio is diversified across a range of asset classes but with a low overall allocation to funds investing in equities and other risk assets.
- Target volatility: 2.0% - 4.75%
- Target return: 3.0% - 4.5%
The primary objective of this portfolio is to achieve a moderate level of capital growth. The portfolio is diversified across a range of asset classes with low-to-medium allocation to funds investing in equities and other risk assets.
- Target volatility: 4.0% - 7.0%
- Target return: 4.5% - 6.0%
The primary objective of this portfolio is to achieve capital growth in excess of inflation. The portfolio is diversified across a range of asset classes, with a medium allocation to funds investing in equities and other risk assets.
- Target volatility: 5.0% - 9.0%
- Target return: 5.2% - 7.5%
The primary objective of this portfolio is to achieve above average capital growth. The portfolio is diversified across a range of asset classes, with a medium-to-high allocation to funds investing in equities and other risk assets.
- Target volatility: 8.0% - 13.0%
- Target return: 6.0% - 8.0%
The primary objective of this portfolio is to achieve high levels of capital growth. The portfolio is diversified across a range of asset classes, with a significant allocation to funds investing in equities and other risk assets.
- Target volatility: 10.0% - 16.0%
- Target return: 7.0% - 10.0%
Model Portfolio Service charges
We are committed to providing a transparent fee structure. Our discretionary fund manager charges are as follows:
- EPIM Brunel 0.25%
- EPIM Cabot 0.20%
- EPIM Sustainable 0.30%
The underlying fund cost for each portfolio will vary. The average cost for the actively managed EPIM Brunel portfolios is circa 0.34%, passive EPIM Cabot portfolios is 0.13% to 0.20% and EPIM Sustainable is 0.50% to 0.90% all including transaction charges.
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01275 404 880